


Knowledge adds fun to the flavor

At Mottox,
our core principles as a wine importer are value and quality.
Equipped with our international perspective and wine business know-how,
we are working with like-minded Sake breweries to develop Sake that will become as loved around the world as any wine.

What is our
[Craft Sake]?

私たちの目指すCraft Sake

蔵元と一緒に二人三脚で創り上げる Sake

1. 蔵元と一緒に二人三脚で
創り上げる Sake

「風土を醸す」個性豊かな蔵元と一緒に、今そしてこれから飲み手が求める味わいを創っていきます。 蔵元×モトックス=新しい可能性を生み出します。ワインの楽しみ方を熟知しているからこそ、日本酒の新しい楽しみ方を提案できると思っています。


1. Sake developed in tandem with sake breweries

“Sake that expresses a sense of place” –
in collaboration with dynamic and unique breweries, we are working to provide consumers with a Sake that will satisfy their needs. With our wine industry background, we believe we can bring a new dimension to how the world enjoys Sake.

蔵元と飲み手につながりがある Sake

2. 蔵元と飲み手に
つながりがある Sake

想いのつまった商品を大切にお届けします。 蔵元や商品のもつ魅力、ストーリーもわかりやすく飲み手にお伝えします。蔵元には、普段なかなかふれあえない飲み手の声を届けていきます。


2. Sake that connects consumers and breweries

From start to finish our range of Sake is made with care and dedication. We convey the charms and story behind each brewery and product to the consumer in a way that is approachable and easily understandable. For the breweries, we connect them with the voices of their consumers, something that they are often removed from.

世界の食と楽しめる Sake

3. 世界の食と楽しめる Sake

和食に限らず、世界中の料理や食材と合わせても楽しめる日本酒。目でも楽しめるよう、デザインにもこだわります。 広がる食の楽しみを、私たちはお伝えしていきます。


3. Sake that can be enjoyed with international cuisine

Naturally at home with Japanese food, our Sake can equally be enjoyed with cuisine and ingredients from around the world. At the same time, we aim for an aesthetically pleasing bottle design. We are proud to be a promote the ever-expanding culinary possibilities that pairing with Sake can offer.


全国のCraft Sakeをご紹介
Introducing our producers
from across Japan

Craft Sake Natural Series Craft Sake Natural Series
【公式】IONO(伊乎乃・いおの)世界の料理に合う日本酒 【公式】IONO(伊乎乃・いおの)世界の料理に合う日本酒
【公式】りんごぽむぽむ-りんごの日本酒!?- 【公式】りんごぽむぽむ-りんごの日本酒!?-
【公式】湘南育ちの日本酒 おふしょあ 【公式】湘南育ちの日本酒 おふしょあ