Contribute to a Life with Wines
Smile and Wine to Your Table
Founded in 1915, and with a history longer than 100 years, Mottox has successfully built up an irreplaceable position as a wine importer. We have spent efforts not only on our alcoholic beverages business and Japanese sake, but also on the second biggest business pillar of food products, which include mineral water, olive oil, and wine-tasting non-alcoholic drinks, etc.

Mottox was founded in 1915 with the trademark “Motonashiya”.
Motonashiya means “to be true, real and original, and have no capitals”.
That is a trademark created by our founder that means to “start from zero”. Our founding spirit of “having no capital but by creativity and hard work, dreams can be eventually realized” is still the greatest support for our company today.
Together with our retail and wholesale business, we have changed our company name to “Mottox Co. Ltd” in 1992. Our mission is to discover great wines and Japanese sake and deliver it to our customers in the best condition.
The motivation of our development is, as mentioned, our business philosophy that was established by our founder and our management concept focusing on “individual growth”.
“Wines” have its various cultural and historical backgrounds, and are embedded with thoughts of its producers. It is the total of all creativity and efforts from our associates that we can preserve and deliver to customers the ideas behind the wines, but all our associates are all in love with food and alcohol.
We work with our hearts, and with our smiles. We bear in our mind the importance to learn and to grow continuously as human beings. And, we believe that every single associate of ours is important to the company and to the society. This is the wish of Mottox.

Corporate Outline
- Trade Name
Mottox inc.
- Established
September, 1915
- Capital
30 million JPY
- Revenue
11.73billion JPY (2023)
- Employees
- Members of the Board
Chairman : Taichi Teranishi
President : Daisuke Teranishi
Executive Director : Yoshikazu Niimura
Management Director : Ippei Teranishi
Management Director : Takeshi Kajihara
Director : Takeshi Kyoguchi
- Corporate Officer
Corporate Officer : Atsushi Mihara
Corporate Officer : Yoshinori Otonashi
Corporate Officer : Masakazu Watanabe
Corporate Officer : Tomohiro Kawaguchi
Corporate Officer : Kyosuke Arita
- Business Lines
Alcoholic beverage importer, wholesaler and distributor(Imported wines, spirits and Japanese locally-brewed Sakes.)
- Locations
- Head Office
1-6-20 Kosaka-Hommachi Higashi-Osaka-shi Osaka 577-0802
Tel : 81-6-6723-3131 / Fax : 81-6-6723-3140
- Tokyo Branch
Sumitomo Fudosan Motoakasaka Bldg. 2F 1-5-12 Motoakasaka Minato-ku Tokyo 107-0051
Tel : 81-3-5771-2823 / Fax : 81-3-5771-2824
- Sapporo Branch
Agile Minami-1jo Bldg. 1F 11-327-20 Minami-1jo-Nishi Chuo-ku Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido 060-0061
Tel : 81-11-209-3055 / Fax : 81-11-209-3056
- Kyushu Branch
Forestdolph Tenjin Bldg. 1F 3-10-25 Tenjin Chuo-ku Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 810-0001
Tel : 81-92-718-2955 / Fax : 81-92-718-2956
- Financial Data
(in million JPY)Import Wine Sales
(in million JPY)Cases sold
(in cases)2024
Sales Ratios
Imported Wine -
By Revenue:
France(39%), Italy(27%), Spain(5%), New World wines(24%), Others(5%)
By Quantity:
France(27%), Italy(34%), Spain(8%), New World wines(26%), Others(5%)
Sales Ratios
- Group Company
Mottox Planning Inc.(Restaurant Business)
Mottox(Shanghai) Inc.
Tachibana Inc. Shop:Liquor jamKosaka(Liquor Shop)
- Bank References
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp.
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Mizuho Bank
Japan Finance Corporation
Shoko Chukin Bank
Sep. 1915
Motonashiya founded.
Nov. 1950
Licensed as a wholesale liquor dealer.
Mar. 1954
Motonashiya inc. established.
Sep. 1968
The head office building completed.
Jun. 1982
Joined “Japan Prestige Sake Association”.
Sep. 1985
Commenced to sell ‘Hakuteki’, a well-renowned sake in Nara prefecture, joint developed with Imanishi Seibei Shoten.
May. 1988
Commenced to sell imported private brand wine Black Pearl.
Oct. 1989
Held the “ First wine tasting event “ at “ Higashi Osaka public hall.
Mar. 1992
Trade name changed to Mottox Inc.
Feb. 1993
Started up a new local well-renowned series of sake business ‘Ryoshu Hyakusen’ developed originally by Mottox.
Jan. 1996
Commenced to import wines directly from overseas.
Nov. 1998
Tokyo Branch office established.
Mar. 2002
Tokyo Branch moved to Minami Aoyama.
Feb. 2009
Osaka Head Office moved to present address.
Sep. 2013
Hangzhou Mottox inc., the local subsidiary in China established.
Mar. 2014
Tokyo Branch moved to Motoakasaka.
Sep. 2015
Celebrated its 100th anniversary.
Oct. 2016
Sapporo Branch office established.
Apr. 2018
Daisuke Teranishi assumed the presidency.
Nov. 2019
Mottox(Shanghai)inc. established (Subsidiary in China).
Jul. 2020
Kyushu Branch office established.